I mess around with LEDs a lot. I have a laser engraver and I like to make little battery or USB powered lamps. So I’m forever messing around with batteries, resistors, and different LEDs, usually powered from the USB port on the back of my keyboard. Recently I found myself needing 12V, and I couldn’t get it anywhere.
So, I put my thinking cap on. I need a small PSU. First off, it can be battery powered using one of the lithium batteries I have a bunch of. So it’ll need a TP4056 in there too. No problem. Then I figured, what if I use one of those step-up boards, with the links for 5V, 9V, 12V, but instead of the links, I wire them to switches? Yeah, that should work. So I was ordering the parts, found a nice little voltmeter to put on there too.
Well the parts arrived today so I got to designing. First off, those links on the step-up board are tiny. [0.5mm pencil for scale](https://i.imgur.com/NvOitSB.jpg). Luckily, one end of the link is 0V so I can pick that up elsewhere. Only need to attach two wires. [Still fiddly though](https://i.imgur.com/E6aKAmb.jpg). Having decided on a basic layout, I cut the box and did a[trial fitting](https://i.imgur.com/ClBYhfj.jpg). So far so good.
Got it partially wired up, big blob of hot glue to support those wires, quick test and it works perfectly. [Yay!](https://i.imgur.com/jWhsmu4.jpg) (Ignore the odd display, it’s multiplexed and messes with the camera shutter.)
[Wired it up for real](https://i.imgur.com/yROiONn.jpg), stuck a little breadboard on top, [and there it is](https://i.imgur.com/84LAs3x.jpg).