I’m going to refine the design a bit and then it’ll be fully released on my GitHub. It’s no bigger than the port itself.
Has the 5.1k ohm resistors so it’s pd compliant. I orig put pads for the resistors on both sides as I wasn’t sure if the resistors would fit on the port side.
I’m working on one that handles data too and not just power.
No the resistor isn’t bridged in the pic. It’s flux and I can’t find my rubbing alcohol
The GitHub for it https://github.com/pbanj/pbcb. The surface mount version is good to produce. The through hole I want to make one more adjustment to and then it should be golden.
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dear god
Some men just want to watch the world burn
i see something that small in technology and it screams money
But what does it do?
Good sir, adapt your usb A to usb C using an external adapter. Until your workspace is full of adapter trees, how will you live? /s
that’s funny.
i am going just the exact opposite way, because USB C sucks moose dong
[That’s My Fetish](https://imgur.com/4kqow1X)
Very cool! The name PBCB makes absolutely no sense to me though hahaha
What I want is a pcb that sits horizontal with a USBC port (or connector, I read that article about port vs connector and can’t remember) with through holes and castellated bits so I can use pins or sit it flush on a board for pd (to reduce pins needed thus size) in the smallest form factor possible. As I’m shit at soldering the tiny USBC pins either with paste and a stencil or a thin iron, but do want to add USBC to my pretty simple boards. I’d buy a copy of that design off someone to have manufactured for sure.
I always end up using breakout boards and they are generally pretty big and never have castellated holes.
Potentially don’t need the through hole as you could maybe solder pins into the castellated bit
Nice, thanks for this. Based on all the comments probably you can also do a small write up on retrofitting this in various applications. That would be helpful.
That looks awesome! I look forward to the github becuase I’d love to do this to a few of my devices!
Idk about everyone else here but it’s very cool
Oh cool! I bought some little USB C breakout boards to convert my wireless mouse dongle. I always wished it was a little smaller.
If you plan to make these with data in device/peripheral mode I’d love to use them. Post a GitHub link so I can save it, even if it’s empty for now!
Shouldn’t you call it a PCB-C..