1. Great! Can you tell me what components you are using, specifically what transistors to drive the LED?

    I am trying to build something similar for an LED strip and can’t find a reliable component which can switch high currents. I see that you have used transistors whereas I am considering using a motor driver like L293D.

  2. Looks nice! You’re at a similar point that I was a few years ago, using hand-wired perfboards. I strongly encourage you to learn how to design your own printed circuit boards. KiCad is free and fairly easy to learn. Start with through-hole components for your first board, but you’ll want to quickly graduate to surface mount. Hand solder one board and then step up to a hot air station. Chinese PCB fabrication companies are super cheap, fast and easy to work with. You’ll be glad you did.

    Some of my history is here:


    BTW, MOSFETs are more commonly used to drive LEDs than regular silicon transistors. Some details are in this article:


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