Inspired by all the breadboard computers people have built over the years, I took my passion for synthesizers and electronic music and made this: an analog subtractive synthesizer which I call BS-1. It features a dual-rail power supply, a MIDI-to-CV converter, two oscillators, two LFOs, a noise source, a mixer, a Polivoks VCF clone, two ADSRs, and a VCA.
Impressed by a few things. The relative long supply runs with out bypass caps (maybe power supply droop/noise improves synthesizer sound); Neatness; Time it took.
Super impressed! Is that 5 small breadboards taped together? It looks like far fewer and simpler components than I would have thought was possible (but still more more complex than anything I would try to build).
The closest to that I ever got was soldering together a tiny [Lunetta synthesizer]( That was fun but sounds horrible. I can recommend it for anyone that wants to make noises with a few components on breadboard, but does not have the skills or patience to do anything like a real analogue synthesizer (or even a proper digital synthesizer).
Inspired by all the breadboard computers people have built over the years, I took my passion for synthesizers and electronic music and made this: an analog subtractive synthesizer which I call BS-1. It features a dual-rail power supply, a MIDI-to-CV converter, two oscillators, two LFOs, a noise source, a mixer, a Polivoks VCF clone, two ADSRs, and a VCA.
Be sure to check out my [writeup]( to get all the details, and watch my quick [demo video](–L100JvWc4) to hear how it sounds. I will also be releasing a song made exclusively with sounds from BS-1 (excluding effects and mixing) on my [Bandcamp]( in the next coming days.
Watched the video. I’m beyond impressed with all that sound from a breadboard. Are the long white wires control voltage?
Damn that sounds really great, nice job
I’d love to see someone show up to a gig with a synth on a breadboard
this is amazing, good work. the video you posted sounds great. Going to try and replicate this at some point
When is the PCB version expected?
Impressed by a few things. The relative long supply runs with out bypass caps (maybe power supply droop/noise improves synthesizer sound); Neatness; Time it took.
Good job.
The best synth on the internets!
Fuck, this is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing!!
Thanks for documenting everything! That’s very helpful
Super impressed! Is that 5 small breadboards taped together? It looks like far fewer and simpler components than I would have thought was possible (but still more more complex than anything I would try to build).
The closest to that I ever got was soldering together a tiny [Lunetta synthesizer]( That was fun but sounds horrible. I can recommend it for anyone that wants to make noises with a few components on breadboard, but does not have the skills or patience to do anything like a real analogue synthesizer (or even a proper digital synthesizer).
You impressed me sooooo much. This type of synth i wanna do for once in my whole lifetime. I’m motivated. Saving this post!
Oooo very nice
I love this
This is absolutely marvellous.
Must sound terrific!
!remindme 2 years
Would you want to make it on a pcb?
That’s awesome man! Great job on the demo as well, you really showed off its wide capabilities. Very impressive considering its size
This is so awesome!!