For my cake day I give you the inside of a Tektronix 11301 oscilloscope. 34 Uncategorized January 12, 2021 August 8, 2022For my cake day I give you the inside of a Tektronix 11301 oscilloscope. View Reddit by skinwill – View Source
So aesthetically pleasing.
Whats under the heat sinks. Are they opamps?
Is there a bolt going through one of the ICs on the lower left corner of the top board?
Happy cake day
Crt type I see. Ever thought about getting a digital?
Hello fellow cake day person
Bruh that looks soo sick I love it
An Intel chip with an amd logo?? Wait that’s illegal…
Happy cake day! I give you a zoo analogy for that high voltage cover:
Caution! Grizzly bear and raccoon on other side of this fence.
Thanks for sharing, this is beautiful!
Happy birthday and btw what is the high voltage converter is for?
That’s painstakingly beautiful !
This is the most beautiful PCB layout I’ve seen. Thank you.
How many engineers to build this?
Edit: typo.
Happy cake day, where ia the NSFW flair on this post cuz that lady be NAKED!
Through-hole porn! Beautiful
Happy cakeday 🎊
Beautiful layout. Can’t help wondering how come so many parts are THT. I’d expect most would be SMD in a commercial board. Is that a more modern thing?
From the 70s? How old is that thing?
At first I thought this was a mother board with an insane amount of of connections
What’s inside those big giant heat sinks on top row there are multiple of those .. I wonder how much heat they are dissipating
Beautiful picture
Went on a tour of tektronix HQ. Super cool
oh, this is a good idea. My cake day is coming up and I should do a photodump of all my interesting electronics stuff.
I want to lick that caution cover so badly
That’s mighty kind of you! I always thought *we* were supposed to give *you* a present on your cake day!!
Happy cake day!
That’s…. Beautiful….
Its schematic would be huge
Better than porn.
Don’t know much.. but I know that its valuable and just a piece of art to look at ..wonder how fast it is or what power it brings as of functionality
I have no knowledge about electronics what does this do?
What does this do?