The controller had a shorted electrolytic capacitor, and some corrosion on an internal connector. Easy fixes. The printer guide has a chunk missing that I bridged with packing tape and it works but isn’t as pretty.
The watch had no power, where after some poking I found that there is a daughter board on the main board with scant solder, and adding solder revived the watch. But not the ability to communicate with the controller. I found the inductive loop coil had no continuity – there was a break! I found this by moistening the coil (spit) and testing resistance between the coil ends and various points along the coil. I determined one side was not connected and by luck went to the outside of the coil so I devised a cat’s whisker to poke into the coil from the outside and… it worked!
Very Nice! I have a Data-2000 and a UC-3000 but the latter has a broken transmission coil. Be very careful with them! These are things you cannot easily repair.
The controller had a shorted electrolytic capacitor, and some corrosion on an internal connector. Easy fixes. The printer guide has a chunk missing that I bridged with packing tape and it works but isn’t as pretty.
The watch had no power, where after some poking I found that there is a daughter board on the main board with scant solder, and adding solder revived the watch. But not the ability to communicate with the controller. I found the inductive loop coil had no continuity – there was a break! I found this by moistening the coil (spit) and testing resistance between the coil ends and various points along the coil. I determined one side was not connected and by luck went to the outside of the coil so I devised a cat’s whisker to poke into the coil from the outside and… it worked!
I made a video that goes over this as well
Very Nice! I have a Data-2000 and a UC-3000 but the latter has a broken transmission coil. Be very careful with them! These are things you cannot easily repair.
Added to the list of things I didn’t know existed and now want… 😭