1. Or wipe it with solvent.

  2. It can also be used on frosted glass, so that you can see through it.

  3. Wouldn’t pulling it off create a lot of static?

  4. Deng, this is awesome!

  5. Really bad idea, scotch tape is an ESD hazard that can easily destroy microchips.

  6. Wow, this is one I’m never forgetting!

  7. That’s an awesome hack, but it begs the question, why haven’t manufacturers figured out a way to make the text legible in the first place?

    I mean a company that can do [this](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xVfJThhBC20/maxresdefault.jpg) should also be able to put a few letters on the outside of the package.

  8. Nice idea. Thanks.

  9. Alternative, smear some thermal compound and wipe it away.

    Learned that one from Dave Jones.

  10. Or simply adjust the lighting. The text and the package often have varying reflective properties. I shine a small flashlight on the surface at a near-parallel angle — 160° or so — and that’s typically more than sufficient to create the contrast necessary to read it.

  11. Paint them yellow and they’ll look like naked minions

  12. many a years working in electronics manufacturing didn’t know this one

  13. I didn’t understand the instructions, I accidentally turned it into a full conductor.

    And now I’ve got this semi that I don’t know what to do with.

  14. This is amazing! I usually use my camera flash and funny angles and sometimes get lucky. Thanks OP

  15. this is amazing, thank you

  16. Just rub a small amount of thermal compound into it and it shows up just as well.

    For those of us who don’t have any, “Scotch Magic Tape” laying around.

  17. where have you been all my fucking life!?

  18. Isopropyl alcohol with also often reveal the letters when it dries.

  19. Also helps you see through frosted glass.

  20. I work at a warehouse that sell these and I have to count upwards of 400-500 an order sometimes, its crazy to see what they are used for.

  21. This is actually the most useful tip I’ve ever seen on Reddit.

  22. There should be some sort of compensation for great leaps of intellect such as these.

  23. Maybe nice to know, /u/buildzoid 🙂

  24. I could use a scotch

  25. Holy shit. You rock OP.

  26. You can also paint it with fluorescent marker on it, wipe it gently with a paper towel and shine an UV light onto it, the remaining fluorescent ink on the cracks of the text will glow.

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