1. I’m trying to understand how this works, what frequency does this propagate?

  2. This is kind of beautiful to me. Represents the raw, organic urge to understand and create. I like how this is sort of a striking visual ugliness and chaos that belies the elegance of its simplicity and functionality.

    Not sure why that became an art critique, but while I’m at it could use more dramatic lighting. But rock on with the building, this is what being human is all about.

  3. This is fantastic, gritty, get it done engineering. When you just HAVE to get this circuit working before bed, with nothing but gum wrappers and salvaged parts. Very cool.

    How does it perform? What do you like, what do you want to improve?

  4. this is clearly a half eaten chipotle burrito

  5. congratulations dude! you got it working! now! refine the concept, and never lose your curiosity for things like this.

  6. OK, this is totally awesome and 100% represents my childhood, mid-20th century style. I too started with AM transmitters and FM “wireless microphones.” At the time, we could get “modules” which were discrete-component transmitters that were potted in epoxy. I went on to obtain my ham license (technician class at the time) and eventually went on to radar and such.


    I also ran a 5-watt, pirate FM radio station for a while but we won’t talk about that.


    Keep it up OP and whoever else has an interest in radio. Also, look into building an SDR.

  7. I hate to be “that guy,” but this almost assuredly is against the regulations of whoever controls the airwaves where you live.

    I would encourage you to get an amateur radio license and then you’re free to experiment inside specific frequencies.

  8. This look quite nice honestly, but I have a tip.

    Take a picture where there is as much lighting as possible, like outside.

    It’ll make your photos look soo much better 😀

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