As you can see, things evolved rapidly in the semiconductor industry. (And yet the traces on the board are still hand-drawn.)
As you can see, things evolved rapidly in the semiconductor industry. (And yet the traces on the board are still hand-drawn.)
Probably is hand drawn and photoresist. Double sided and nicely lined up vias. Similar ICs to what Univac had at the time.
My old job R&D’d some boards to replace stuff like this because some telecom companies STILL run stuff like this.
Because they can’t get replacement components they had to contract my job to develop the replacements.
They designed them, and I built and installed them. Highly enjoyable for me.
Truth be told it was still in use because, it just kept working. They don’t build stuff like that anymore 😑
Sure grandpa, let’s get you to bed.
Dual Op-amp so a complete Linear array
Ceramic TO86