My wife bought a pair of cheap decorative oil lamp things online with LED flickery flame candles in them. Cute, but the three LR44 cells in there weren’t destined to last long so I figured I’d try to fit something better in there instead. So I got a couple of lithium batteries and charger boards. The boards were TP4056 based chargers but rated at 1A, too high for the 500mAh cell I was using. So I had to change the charging resistor. [That was the fiddly bit](, 0.5mm pencil for scale. That’s an 0402 resistor.
Anyway, that went well, ended up with a charging current of 48mA so I set to work on converting the lights.
[This]( was the original base plate, [LR44s]( inside the holder. very [dodgy]( looking cells. Popped off the bottom, and it [couldn’t have been simpler]( inside. I guess all the clever flickering circuitry is inside the LED itself. That’s good, I don’t have to worry about it relying on the internal resistance of the LR44s if there’s circuitry in there.
So, I opened up the hole a little for access to the [charging port](, shoved [the board]( in there, Stuck in in place with [hot glue](, along with the lithium cell, [connected]( the LED using the original switch, and yay, [all is well](
And as a bonus, the charging LED is [visible through the plastic](
Great post!
I think it’s LR44 manufacturers who make those lamps. Nice write-up.