Get a signal generator run it at 7.83hz dc through a signal generator power amplifier connect a magnetic copper wire coil with no core (air coil) and run it to a plant. Make sure emf is coming off it. It’ll grow plants faster. It mimicks earths magnetic field the stuff that comes from the poles 3

Get a signal generator run it at 7.83hz dc through a signal generator power amplifier connect a magnetic copper wire coil with no core (air coil) and run it to a plant. Make sure emf is coming off it. It’ll grow plants faster. It mimicks earths magnetic field the stuff that comes from the poles

Get a signal generator run it at 7.83hz dc through a signal generator power amplifier connect a magnetic copper wire coil with no core (air coil) and run it to a plant. Make sure emf is coming off it. It’ll grow plants faster. It mimicks earths magnetic field the stuff that comes from the poles from electronics

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  1. >Get a signal generator run it at 7.83hz dc

    WTF is 7.83hz DC?

  2. Given your plants are probably on earth, and the entirety of the planet is exposed to [](

    Why would there be any need to create your own?

  3. Uh cool. Good luck with, like, that.

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