so sorry if this is wrong place to post this! anyone know the name of this jack on this mic. i bought it assuming it was a regular headphone jack. 12

so sorry if this is wrong place to post this! anyone know the name of this jack on this mic. i bought it assuming it was a regular headphone jack.

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  1. Looks like a regular jack with the tip broken off.

  2. Looks like the tip is broken off

  3. 3.5mm Stereo Jack (sans tip)

  4. that’s not a jack. it is called a plug.

  5. Time to get the old soldering iron out.

  6. Isn’t it called Aux ?

  7. Looks like a power supply jack

  8. Can we get another picture from angle that shows the tip?

    If it’s hollow at the front and smaller than a regular headphone jack, it’s probably a 1.3mm jack.

  9. the top is broken off

  10. Yeah, tip is broken off. You can watch [this video]( for how to fix it. You can even salvage a 3.5mm jack if you have a spare, broken set of headphones or something. I’d recommend a cheap set of headphone jacks like [these](

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