I made a voice changer that makes you sound like a bad ass. (esp32 μcontroller w I²S dac/mic.)
I made a voice changer that makes you sound like a bad ass. (esp32 μcontroller w I²S dac/mic.) from electronics
I made a voice changer that makes you sound like a bad ass. (esp32 μcontroller w I²S dac/mic.)
I made a voice changer that makes you sound like a bad ass. (esp32 μcontroller w I²S dac/mic.) from electronics
This was a fun project to do, especially the multi-core coding for the ESP32.
As I can’t afford to drop a single sample from the mic, or a single sample to the output, everything is time-critical.
It is doing some heavy computations, in real time:
* Fourier Transform to get the frequency domain.
* Manipulation of the freq spectrum.
* Inverse Fourier Transform to get back to the time domain.
I’m pretty pleased w the results.
DAC is I2S, and from Adafruit.
Mic is generic I2S microphone.
I also added a TLC 5917 constant current LED driver to drive the LED bargraph that shows the sound level. Initially, I planned to make a cut-out for the bar graph, but by accident I found out that it shines right through the plastic case! Win!
Can you post project files, this is super cool.
So cool.
So the DAC simply performs the audio output, all the manipulation is done aboard the ESP32?
You wouldn’t also happen to own a beet farm in PA ?
What happens if I already sound like a badass?