It’s a 1000 microfarad capacitor rated 100 working volts. Capacitors & batteries are completely different animals. Batteries are for long term storage with higher amperage output, while capacitors are much lower amperage output but react much faster.
Caps are almost always rated in microfarads abbreviated mfd ufd, uf, or sometimes just u. Technically it is the greek letter mu which looks like a u. The reason for using microfarads (one millionth of a farad) is bc it used to be that a one farad capacitor would be the size of a house. Nowadays they have super capacitors and a one farad 100 volt cap can be as small as like 5X the size of this one.
You’ll rarely ever see the term millifarad used and it’s considered to be incorrect.. If it were used, the pictured example could be called a one millifarad capacitor instead of 1000uf.
At a time when there was a West Germany…
Charge it and put it back 😂
Is that mega farad… or milli
At a certain point…. It’s a battery ain’t it ?
Like at what size does a capacitor become a battery ?
It’s a 1000 microfarad capacitor rated 100 working volts.
Capacitors & batteries are completely different animals. Batteries are for long term storage with higher amperage output, while capacitors are much lower amperage output but react much faster.
Caps are almost always rated in microfarads abbreviated mfd ufd, uf, or sometimes just u. Technically it is the greek letter mu which looks like a u. The reason for using microfarads (one millionth of a farad) is bc it used to be that a one farad capacitor would be the size of a house. Nowadays they have super capacitors and a one farad 100 volt cap can be as small as like 5X the size of this one.
You’ll rarely ever see the term millifarad used and it’s considered to be incorrect.. If it were used, the pictured example could be called a one millifarad capacitor instead of 1000uf.
That is a delightful piece!
What does 1000 MFD mean?
The ole suicide on the go
I have a 40V 10000 “MFD” one. It does some serious sparks!