If it’s susceptible to mechanical stress like MLCCs are, it would kinda make sense why that particular component cracked, since it’s oriented differently than the rest. The board probably flexed in the wrong way, enough to cause that component to become not happy.
What is that element?
AVX Feedthrough capacitors?
one looks like it may have a skin condition 😐
I’m actually qualifying a bunch of these type of caps for emc.
Some people think they can perform miracles, I am not as optimistic.
NF 109 you had only one job and you failed.
I know the pain they felt when designing this board
Magic smoke in solid form?
Oooh NF109. Why can’t you be like NF106.
Here is what sent us down this rabbit hole initially…
what has been seen cannot be unseen 🙁
Is 104 showing signs of thermal cycling stress also?
Sometimes they rotate things like that on purpose so they do not capacitively couple, you will see it a lot on things that deal with RF.
Not familiar with this component. “NF”?
If it’s susceptible to mechanical stress like MLCCs are, it would kinda make sense why that particular component cracked, since it’s oriented differently than the rest. The board probably flexed in the wrong way, enough to cause that component to become not happy.