As a follow-up to my last post about the DIY shield: Here’s a pretty usable 4×5 digit reading
As a follow-up to my last post about the DIY shield: Here’s a pretty usable 4×5 digit reading from electronics
View Reddit by PJ796 – View Source
As a follow-up to my last post about the DIY shield: Here’s a pretty usable 4×5 digit reading
As a follow-up to my last post about the DIY shield: Here’s a pretty usable 4×5 digit reading from electronics
View Reddit by PJ796 – View Source
It takes 5000 samples x4 per channel
It measures some potentiometers through a flat ribbon cable, which I’d say is pretty sub-optimal ontop of sub-optimal as the pots are just your typical +/-20% pots and the cable is pretty long so there should be plenty of opportunity for unwanted coupling, but still it manages to perform pretty well I think? Or I don’t know, last time people downvoted me for saying it matched my Fluke out of the box, but I’ll let you be the judge
The last few digits on the megaohms range represent changes in the tens of picoamps as well, as every measurement is taken by applying 1V and measuring current. This method is very limited in range downwards, but scales very well upwards.
Some people were concerned about the cleanliness of the board in the last post as well, as the flux remover leaves some streaks, but I’d say that’s a non-issue here. In fairness that photo also makes it look particularly bad
[The previous post](
EDIT: 3am me is bad at formulating things
i could put something like this to good use in some car projects .