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  2. Watch *short* peopledieinside

    The cover wasn’t removed, she assumed it was.

  3. Trying to fill the ice cream machine but was too short/the machine was too tall for her to see that she forgot to remove the lid

  4. She poured it on a closed lid. You can see the other one is open. She got the wrong one

  5. Honest unfortunate accident.


  7. I have worked in food service, and this is very probable, especially on a bad day.

  8. One time I almost pissed without lifting the lid…

    …I feel you girl

  9. I feel her pain seriously though decent step stools/ladders should be mandatory in work places

  10. Your title makes you look like an idiot too

  11. Can’t say for sure but this is the narrative I read:

    She thinks she is pouring in a open container of some kind.

    Sees it gets out.


    Checks why is it already full.

    Sees the lid is not removed.


    Also, based on clothes and some items behind her, I suppose It’s Cofee-related.

    This is all I can deduce.

  12. She tried to cover her mouth even while wearing a mask.

    So cute.

  13. Never forget to pizza, before you French fry

  14. I’m starting to see why the frosty machines are always down.

  15. I mean, its fairly obvious what she was trying to do… she just forgot to open the lid or tried to pour it into the wrong container

  16. It’s pretty obvious really

  17. I know this is stupid but i have had this happen to me multiple times. After it happens you feel like you are the stupidest person alive.

  18. That can happen to anyone literally

  19. And now Jennifer is the reason “the ice cream machine is out of service”

  20. Oh I know exactly what she was trying to do

  21. OP stole this video and posted it having no clue what’s going on
    Is OP a bot?

  22. I’m 6’7 my wife is 5’1 we’ve been married for 6 years and I still haven’t told her about the dust on top of the fridge cause she’ll make me clean it.

  23. She must waste a BUNCH of money when she pumps gas!

  24. >I’m not sure what she was trying to do…

    Lid was shut

  25. I feel bad for her, pour girl

  26. That’s sad. I feel for her.

  27. She tried to pour something into something else….

  28. I think anyone could tell what she was trying to do mr clickbaity title

  29. How are you not sure what she was trying to do? it’s not rocket surgery.

  30. Is it really that hard to figure out what she was trying to do?

  31. She obviously thought the lid was open. What did you think she was trying to do?

  32. Either this post was created by a bot or OP really never seen how they fill slushie/ice cream machines

  33. How can you be unsure what she’s trying to do ?

  34. Title is really dumb, she was obviously trying to fill the machine and didn’t know the lid was on…

  35. She forgot to remove the cover
    It’s an honest mistake

  36. For OP who has zero idea what she was trying to do – tell me you’ve never worked in the fast food industry without telling me

  37. * redditor for 6 months.
    * comment history begins very recently
    * quickly submits typical content to popular sub
    * uses post title that baits people into talking because it’s really fucking obvious what she was trying to do

    This, students, is a karma farm account.

  38. You really aren’t sure what she was trying to do? Or you just dumb with titles? She obviously thought the lid was open and was trying to pour liquid inside..

  39. How does OP not know what’s she’s trying to do lmao

  40. Ice cream maker, lid closed?

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