1. Wow nice! I had a dream project for something like this, but it could also track your eye movement and adjust the LED position accordingly. This would be a great starting off point

  2. Wtf? You could easily monetize that.

  3. So awsome dude!
    It’s one of my dream projects to build a wireless glasses like those that can connect to a computer in my backpack and it’s operated by a gesture glove

  4. I love it when the PCB is fully integrated into the thing, these just look cool whatever the actual functionality may be…

  5. Nice! Any way to make what ist being displayed visible for someone who is using the glasses?

  6. This is fantastic, also it looks like a prop out of the movie Hackers. Well done!

  7. Goddamn it, now I have new life goals 🙁

  8. I want to do this. It looks great, I’d add some bluetooth and control what the eyes put out.

  9. HS, that’s so cool.

  10. Now imagine that battery exploding…

  11. Could they do the whole matrix falling scroll thing?

  12. While they look cool, you’re not going to be able to wear them long. A key issue is with eye relief, and your eyes are gonna get exhausted *fast*, leading to headaches. Focusing on a screen that close to your eye requires emulating *defocused* graphics, which doesn’t really work…hence why functional HMDs make use of folded waveguides/collimaters/lens arrays/etc. to give a distance the eyes can actually focus on without the user wanting to claw them out of their skull.

  13. Can’t wait until these kinds of things are a practical form of AR. Being able to read as you walk down the street without having to look down at your phone will be super handy.

    How is the price/resolution on LCD tech these days? I tried first gen VR and it was pretty good. How does it hold up now a few more years down the road?

  14. With age my focus distance is now somewhat further

  15. Where can I get a battery that size?

  16. Oh man. I want one of these with my company logo on the eyes. My team of hackers would be super jealous.

  17. I wish lipos could be smaller.

  18. Thanks.. Was hoping for about 400mah in a small footprint like that.

  19. Dang, thought the part behind the ear was a crystal and was gonna ask why it was so far from the processor. Looks like it’s just a switch.

    So these are fully configurable? Expecting them to show a much of emojis in the eyes (hearts, etc).

  20. Dead head truck routes

  21. Imagine bringing this to a Calculus 2 exam

  22. Oh, hi, I remember when I tried to post this 3 times but kept getting banned by the moderators.

  23. This is some serious good shit

  24. This is so nerdy, I love it!

  25. Can you actually focus on the displays while wearing them?

  26. Let me guess: you can’t see shit cuz its too close to your eyes

  27. These are Kevin Bates’. He tried to post them here 3 times but the mods took it down and reposted his content.

  28. how/why was this posted under “automoderator” I didn’t even know that was possible

  29. I’m having trouble finding fully transparent OLED displays. Where can I get them?

  30. I would like to know how (to make those), where (to find the components) and how much? (will it cost)

  31. Presuming this is for fashion, I just want to know if you can see through the image??? If so I’ll start building mine now

  32. Finally I can cheat at school!

  33. I am fully expecting this to be the next IRL Def Con badge

  34. Damn that looks sick

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