1. That may be the least efficient way of using 7 segments, well done!

  2. Heh. Reminds me of the digital clock made with a bunch of small analog clock dials.


    Edit: apparently some cranky artist thinks he has “copyrighted” clocks made of smaller clocks and took it down with IMO bogus DMCA claims.

  3. I would like this staring at me in the living room

  4. Wow i really love it

  5. I think the ones on corners never light up… Right?

  6. Really love this. So creative!

  7. This is just so… I don’t know what it is. When does r/DIWHY become art? Well done.

  8. Now I have to say that’s a cute effect

  9. I’d call it a 1008 segment display.

  10. Very clever idea. Version 2.0 idea: use 14 segment displays

  11. That’s so fuckin cool.

  12. Reminds me of the Lego font.

  13. This is like subpixel hinting in LCD font rendering write large. 🙂

  14. i would love to see the numbers change through some sort of 7-segment cycling or spinning animation like what CD players had back in the day when reading a disc. it would give it a sort of cascading effect on the minute.

  15. I have a box of about 800 of these I bought at a electronics swapmeet a while ago. I know what I’m doing with them now!

  16. Haha, that’s delightful! Seriously, I love it.

    I once made a [similar display](https://imgur.com/a/WGavZG8) that was a 6×8 matrix of 7-segment LEDs. In the shot I linked, it’s showing big digits using small digits like your clock. We’d also use it to display normal-sized text (e.g. menus) and play pong. (I couldn’t post the latter two links because the automod rejected links to my google photos album)

    The display was one of a dozen similar displays that went into our [rocket ship treehouse](http://rocket.jonh.net).

  17. I don’t like 7 segment displays. But this, I like

  18. You should alternate between the time and Pi out to 143 decimal places.

  19. How would I go about making my own? Seriously cool.

  20. Should have been 11 less. 133 7 segment displays.

  21. 144 of them? That’s gross.

  22. But can it display 5138008 still?

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