I have the same soldering iron. I got it at Home Depot in 2008 or so when I was installing RCA jacks in the walls as part of my basement refinishing. I am ashamed to say that I’ve attempted the same grip on more than one occasion. It didn’t end well any of the times I tried it.
Sad thing is, I’ve made the mistake of picking one up like that…once. I was focused on the task, probably tired, and not thinking well enough. Reality made sure to explain my mistake to me. Took a while for the blisters to finally fade.
by the looks of those glasses and the fact that shes soldering in some kind of medical lab, I’d say she knows what shes doing.
That doesn’t look painful at all!!
And why is she “soldering” on what appears to be a fully assembled motherboard?
ya burnt!
I would sneak up and plug it in… lesson learned…my job here is done.
remember kids: if it smells like chicken you’re holding it wrong.
IRC -> [Twitter](https://twitter.com/gsuberland/status/706822802473619456) -> Reddit.
Full circle in less than 3 hours. I’m impressed! 😀
Must be a Targaryen
She’s obviously a Synth.
She must be responsible for all those cold solder joints.
Just another loose replicant.
at least she’s wearing glasses…
In Russia, iron solders *you*!
SolderingProTip: hold as close to the tip as you can.
That’s a nicely ironed shirt though
My chest just lurched when I saw this picture. It really hurts to look at.
is that the girl from the atnt commercials?!?!
I always wondered why most soldering irons are so long. It would seem to me that a shorter one would allow for better and more accurate control of it.
All of these stock photos are really, truly awful.
I have the same soldering iron. I got it at Home Depot in 2008 or so when I was installing RCA jacks in the walls as part of my basement refinishing. I am ashamed to say that I’ve attempted the same grip on more than one occasion. It didn’t end well any of the times I tried it.
The goggles, they do nothing !
oh man triggered that time i picked up my dads iron by the wrong end. burned my hand pretty badly
[Some even better ones.](http://i.imgur.com/ycBPz7v.jpg)
That is the funniest stock image ever!
Hey! I have one of those Radio Shack firestarters.
It probably *is* plugged in – it just doesn’t work.
I have a metcal you can hold basically like that. It’s amazing. The best thing about it is how it doesnt sear your flesh when you do it.
Bet she uses a curling iron that was as well.
Sad thing is, I’ve made the mistake of picking one up like that…once. I was focused on the task, probably tired, and not thinking well enough. Reality made sure to explain my mistake to me. Took a while for the blisters to finally fade.
Just seeing that made my fingertips sizzle.
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Oh my… we have a natural here, folks.
I have the same iron. It all makes sense now.
I gasped when I saw that..
It’s all good guys, she’s got her safety glasses on.
DO NOT DO THIS. You will burn your motherboard.
Miss this is how you hold a pen.
What are those goggles supposed to be used for?
I’ve actually held a soldering iron this way when I was first learning to solder.
It didn’t take 3 times for me to learn to stop doing that!
My fingers hurt just looking at it.
Don’t Americans use soddering irons.
I like that she appears to be stabbing the lithium clock battery with it. That might be fun in a few seconds.
[But wait, there’s more!](http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/66811/214676830/stock-photo-man-repairing-a-printed-circuit-board-with-a-forced-air-soldering-iron-photo-illustration-image-214676830.jpg)
No pain. No Brain.
Nothing like the smell of burning flesh in the morning…
Wait a minute…
Someone get the ice…
Luckily she has on safety glasses, so she could be ok.